Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Long time no see

I have not been on here since before Christmas last year. I am just going to update saying that our year has got off to a great start. We have started a new ministry and everything seems to be going really good. The people here are just as nice as we had expected. We have been a very blessed family and could not ask for anymore. We have some pretty amazing kiddos as well. Caleb and Rylee have been sick the last few days and they are going to the doctor tomorrow. Rylee will be 4 in just a few short months which is absolutely crazy and Caleb is 15 months old. I have an interview on Thursday for substitute teaching and I am praying that this will work out for us and we can actually get some money set back for a rainy day. :) I am going to quit for the night but hoping that I will keep up with it better this year. For now here is some pictures of my kiddos.