Well I should start off saying that I went to the doctor today for my official first visit. Baby looks great. They did the ultrasound and the baby is measuring around 1/4 of an inch and the heartbeat was 133bpm. We are so excited and can't wait for October to roll around.
I can say that I have a very tired little girl who will be going to bed soon so I can get the house cleaned. My parents and my niece and nephew are coming up this weekend. Daddy is taking my nephew to the Farm Machinery Show and my mom is staying here at the house with my niece and us. My niece is exactly one week older than Rylee. April of 2009 was an interesting month to say the least. We are very excited that they are coming up. We haven't seen them since the week before Christmas. :( We are going to play til our hearts burst. Then for supper they are taking me out to eat for an early birthday dinner.
Tommorow we are having a play date with some friends who live near us. Audrey will be 3 in June and her and Rylee really like to play together. She also has a sister who turned a year old in January. Then we are going to have pizza for lunch.
Well I better call it quits for the night if I am going to get this house cleaned up. Have a good night everyone.