Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall my favorite time is just around the corner

Well we have officially entered the BER months. I am so excited because I absolutely love the fall season. The decorations, leaves, colors, smells and I could go on and on. I have always loved this time of year. You can ask Josh it is like it brings a new life into me. We were talking the other day about the differences between him and I and mentioned that his agenda was trucks, hunting, and bows but mine is front porches, thirty one, primitive decor and FALL. It is amazing how different each spouce can be but yet we seem to get along so well. That is just the way God has designed us as humans that is for sure. This is actually the first time that I have posted since the beginning of the year so there has been lots of changes but I won't bore you to death trying to play catch up, I will just start from now and go on. :)
Lets start with Caleb. He is growing like a weed. He is 11 months old today actually. One month from his 1st birthday and that just seems crazy in all aspects of life. It also reminds me that I better get on the ball with planning a birthday party. (um where do I start:)) But anyways he finally got his 1st tooth in on this past tuesday and then on wednesday he ended up getting another. He isn't walking yet but it should not be long. He was crawling from Josh last night down the hall and Josh made the statement that if he was a race horse that he would win. He can cruse up and down the couch like nobody's buisiness. He is so sweet natured and LOVES to be loved on and shown affection and everyonce in awhile he will give you a kiss. He waves byebye.

Love the baby drool :) - March 2012
 Look at them cheeks - March 2012

 August 2012
At papa and grandma's - August 2012

Now on to Rylee. Wow where do I start. She is 3 years old now and I am definitly not sure where the time went. It seems like yesterday that we were telling everyone that we were going to be having her. She is such a funny little girl to be around. She is into everything. Some of her favorites are strawberry shortcake, lalaloopsy, anything princess. She loves to dance especially with her daddy. (just makes my heart melt) She misses her friends for sure and so we have started her in a preschool program, actually she starts this week just for the simple fact that she can get some interaction with other kiddos. We don't see her cousins very often so she ask about them and papa and ganma or pappaw and mammaw all the time. She is definitly a people person. Josh says all the time that she is going to grow up to be a politician. (but I sure hope not) She is an absolute sweetheart and also like her brother loves to be affectionate. She is always puckering up or telling us she loves us.

Love this little girl - March 2012

This is Rylee - March 2012
Rylee in the slide at camp - July 2012
     Papa and Ganma's with Carson - August 2012

And now my amazing husband who has been the best man I could have ever asked for besides my daddy. :) He is getting ready to leave with his dad and our brother in law Dan on a week long elk hunt on Friday. They are going to Colorodo and he is very excited but nervous at the same time. He has waited 6+ years for this trip. Through the money, practice, prayers and time that he has put in this trip my prayer is that he has fun and if he is able to harvest an elk and bring home some meat then he has been succesful. Josh's dad actually got him a new bow for Christmas and went ahead and gave it to him about 2 weeks ago. And it worked out great because his other bow had messed up and they weren't going to be able to get the parts for it yet so now he is learning a new bow but I am so proud of him. He is doing great.

Well I will quit for the night. I hope you enjoy walking through our Fennell journey with me. We have lots of fun as a family of 4. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. And I found this little quotation about fall that I wanted to leave you with.
"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air."

Nathaniel Hawthorne

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