Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lots to be thankful for...

Time is flying by and I have not made the time to update the blog for a long time, so I will try to bring it up to today. I will first start off by saying that 6 1/2 weeks ago we welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our lives. Caleb James Fennell. 8lbs 8.5 oz., 18 inches long. He was born on October 3, 2011. Rylee is head over heels about him and just loves to be around him.

Second of all we moved to Harlan County on November 5, 2011. Josh accepted the ministry postion at Loyall Church of Christ. We are very excited about this endeavor and are ready to serve the Lord in another capacity of our lives. We love the house that we are living in as well. It is beautiful.

We actually get to spend Thanksgiving with both of our families this year. We are at my parents this weekend and at Josh's parents next week. It truly is a blessing to have families that love us and support us in every way possible.

This is about all I have to say for tonight, here are some pictures of the last couple of months. I will try to update sooner especially for my Louisville friends whom we love and miss dearly.
The pictures are all out of order but I will try to do better next time. Thank you for letting me share with you all.

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