Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crazy things are happening

There are many things happening here in our household right now. I won't go into detail because it is just something I need to have prayers for. The good news is we are expecting our 2nd child in October and we are very excited. I go to the doctor on Thursday. We had a great weekend. I have only been working 2 days a week, so I have been off from Thursday to Monday. It is nice in some ways but kind of tough on the checkbook in other ways. It was beautiful on Sunday. We played outside and if I can figure out how to upload pictures on here I will add some. Rylee also went "peepee" in the big girl potty chair. Yay. We did a dance and she even chocolate milk afterwards. Monday's are for Josh to have class so we see him of a morning but the rest of the day he is in school. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day but I did make him his favorite meal which is Chicken Pot Pie. Homemade I might add. It was delicious if I should say so myself. Today I worked but when I got home I was greeted with 2 smiling faces which made my day. I am getting ready to head to the grocery store so I better get off here. But that was my weekend. Have a great afternoon everyone.

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