Friday, February 11, 2011

New to the Blogging World

Ok... So I have kept up with Erin and Murray, Liz and Walker and then I even noticed that Jennifer started working on her blog this week and I thought man this looks like a lot of fun. I have decided to try the blogging world out. We will see how it goes. To start off today's post I will say that it seems like the last few days have been absolutely wild for me. From Josh working 24 hours with just 5 1/2 hours of sleep, to Chuckee Cheese with friends to getting our taxes filed today, it seems like all I have done this week is run. Poor Rylee not that we didn't have fun yesterday with our friends but I thinks I buckled and unbuckled her in her carseat over 14 times throughout the whole day. Today we went to WalMart and Rylee seen the Valentine's Day balloons and immediately she started yelling "look, look at that". I believe you could have heard her all over that store. So she ended up getting a balloon and she has tried to eat lunch and supper with it, take a nap with it and even take her bath with it tonight. She loves that balloon and it goes everywhere with her. Well I am waiting on Josh to get home from work and this house is an absolute wreck so I guess I will call it a night but welcome to our families blog. I hope you will enjoy our adventures.

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